CEF of Greater Richmond had been operating for many years before it officially became a chartered chapter in 1995.

The chapter currently has an office located in Richmond at the Braille Circulating Library. It covers 14 counties and more than 210 public schools, and it had 30 Good News Clubs during the 2023-24 school year. The chapter is praying to add another 20 schools in the 2024-25 school year. It currently has four Committee members and is in need of a Treasurer. It is also asking the Lord to provide a fifth member.

The chapter is currently led by Jennifer Trainham. She has been working with CEF since July 2021 when she jointed the Chapter’s committee as its treasurer.
She has a BIG heart for the ministry, and prayed that if ever asked to be on staff, she would say yes. Although she thought serving as a Local Director would be a few years down the road, the Lord had a different idea! She was asked whether she would serve on staff and agreed in October of 2023. She has been the Local Coordinator for six months. Formerly, Jennifer was a CFO in the property management sector. She has worked with children in Sunday Schools, youth groups, mission trips, and Vacation Bible Schools.
CEF of Greater Richmond enjoyed a wonderful Spring Fundraising event on April 25, 2024. The event was held at the Manor House in Mechanicsville, VA. There was great food, fellowship and music.

The highlight of the evening was a passionate speech by Mat Staver, the founder of Liberty Counsel. Mat and his team have faithfully helped CEF with legal issues, and the chapter is thankful that he shared his heart and time!
The Greater Richmond Chapter is in great need of concentrated prayer. The City of Richmond hosts all of the governmental offices of our State. Decisions that impact the entire state are made right where our Chapter resides! The spiritual battle is strong in our area, and we are looking to develop a robust prayer team.
If you would like to serve on our prayer team, please contact us and let us know!